






–plotType {lines,fill,se,std}

“lines” will plot the profile line based on the

average type selected. “fill” fills the region between

zero and the profile curve. The fill in color is semi

transparent to distinguish different profiles. “se”

and “std” color the region between the profile and the

standard error or standard deviation of the data.

(default: lines)


List of sample numbers (order as in matrix), which are

used by –sortUsing for sorting. If no value is set,

it uses all samples. Example: –sortUsingSamples 1 3

(default: None)

–linesAtTickMarks Draw dashed lines from all tick marks through the

heatmap. This is then similar to the dashed line draw

at region bounds when using a reference point and

–sortUsing region_length (default: False)


List of sample numbers (order as in matrix), that are

used for clustering by –kmeans or –hclust if not

given, all samples are taken into account for

clustering. Example: –ClusterUsingSamples 1 3

(default: None)

–averageTypeSummaryPlot {mean,median,min,max,std,sum}

Define the type of statistic that should be plotted in

the summary image above the heatmap. The options are:

“mean”, “median”, “min”, “max”, “sum” and “std”.

(default: mean)


If –missingDataAsZero was not set, such cases will be

colored in black by default. Using this parameter, a

different color can be set. A value between 0 and 1

will be used for a gray scale (black is 0). For a list

of possible color names see: http://packages.python.or

g/ete2/reference/reference_svgcolors.html. Other

colors can be specified using the #rrggbb notation.

(default: black)

–colorNumber COLORNUMBER

N.B., –colorList is required for an effect. This

controls the number of transitions from one color to

the other. If –colorNumber is the number of colors in

–colorList then there will be no transitions between

the colors. (default: 256)

–heatmapHeight HEATMAPHEIGHT

Plot height in cm. The default for the heatmap height

is 28. The minimum value is 3 and the maximum is 100.

(default: 28)

–heatmapWidth HEATMAPWIDTH

Plot width in cm. The default value is 4 The minimum

value is 1 and the maximum is 100. (default: 4)



computeMatrix reference-point –referencePoint TSS -p 15 -b 10000 -a 10000 -R gene.bed -S test.bw –skipZeros –missingDataAsZero -o test_TSS.gz –outFileSortedRegions test_genes.bed


reference-point # 选择模式

-p 15 # 线程数

–referencePoint TSS # 选择参考点,还可以选择TES, center

-b 10000 -a 10000 # 感兴趣的区域,-b上游,-a下游

-R # 基因注释信息

-S # 提供的 bigwig 文件

–skipZeros # 是否包含零分区域

–missingDataAsZero # 不显示0的数据

下面是missingDataAsZero 参数的官方解释,大家可以试着理解一下嗷

If set, missing data (NAs) will be treated as zeros.

The default is to ignore such cases, which will be

depicted as black areas in a heatmap. (see the

–missingDataColor argument of the plotHeatmap command

for additional options). (default: False)


