




ICGC :https://icgc.org/icgc/







Step 1 对导入的四个数据库的样本量和研究的肿瘤类型进行概览




ped <- estimate_ped_pdx[ estimate_ped_pdx$group != “TCGA”,]

tab <- as.data.frame(table(ped$cohort), stringsAsFactors = F)

tab <- tab[order(tab$Freq, decreasing = T),]


ped$cohort <- factor(ped$cohort, levels = tab$Var1)

ped$group <- factor(ped$group, levels = c(“CBTN”, “ICGC”, “TARGET”, “PDX (ITCC)”))

fig1a <- ggplot(data = ped) + geom_bar(aes(y = cohort, fill = group)) + myaxis + myplot +

theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 25, angle = 0, hjust = 0.5),

legend.position = c(0.8,0.9), legend.title = element_blank(), plot.margin = margin(1,1,1,1, “cm”)) +

scale_fill_manual(values = group_col)

pdf(file = paste0(plotpath,”Fig1_A.pdf”),

width = 10, height = 10, useDingbats = FALSE)




Step 2 对所有的肿瘤数据进行ESTIMATE免疫评分分析


emptyvar <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 7, nrow = 2))

colnames(emptyvar) <- colnames(estimate_ped_pdx)

emptyvar$group <- as.character(emptyvar$group)

emptyvar$cohort <- as.character(emptyvar$cohort)

emptyvar[1,”aliquot_id”] <- “empty1”

emptyvar[2,”aliquot_id”] <- “empty2”

emptyvar[1,”sample_id”] <- “empty1”

emptyvar[2,”sample_id”] <- “empty2”

emptyvar[1,”ImmuneScore”] <- 3500

emptyvar[2,”ImmuneScore”] <- 3500

emptyvar[1,”cohort”] <- “EMPTY1”

emptyvar[2,”cohort”] <- “EMPTY2”

estimate_ped_pdx <- rbind(estimate_ped_pdx,emptyvar)


estimate_ped_pdx$percread <- 8.0947988*exp(estimate_ped_pdx$ImmuneScore*0.0006267)

immune.cohorts <- cbind(NA, unique(estimate_ped_pdx$cohort))

colnames(immune.cohorts) <- c(“group”,”cohort”)

immune.cohorts <- as.data.frame(immune.cohorts)

immune.cohorts$group <- as.character(immune.cohorts$group)

adults <- c(“PRAD”, “LGG”, “OV”, “SKCM”, “COAD”, “GBM”, “LUAD”)

peds <- c(“PDX”,”ETMR”, “MB”, “ATRT”, “EPN”, “pedHGG”, “CP”, “NBL”, “pedLGG”, “CPH”, “MNG”, “SCHW”, “NFB”)

immune.cohorts[immune.cohorts$cohort %in% adults, 1] <- “Adult”

immune.cohorts[immune.cohorts$cohort %in% peds, 1] <- “Pediatric”

immune.cohorts[immune.cohorts$cohort == “EMPTY1”,1] <- “Pediatric”

immune.cohorts[immune.cohorts$cohort == “EMPTY2”,1] <- “Pediatric”


for(i in 1:nrow(immune.cohorts)){

immune.cohorts$median_immunereads[i]<-median(estimate_ped_pdx$percread[estimate_ped_pdx$cohort == immune.cohorts$cohort[i]])



tmp <- immune.cohorts[which(immune.cohorts$group == “Pediatric”),]

tmp1 <- immune.cohorts[which(immune.cohorts$group == “Adult”),]

immune.cohorts <- rbind(tmp,tmp1)

immune.cohorts$cohort <- factor(immune.cohorts$cohort, levels = c(“PDX”,”ETMR”, “MB”, “ATRT”, “EPN”, “pedHGG”, “CP”,

“NBL”, “pedLGG”, “CPH”, “MNG”, “SCHW”, “NFB”,

“EMPTY1″,”EMPTY2”, “PRAD”, “LGG”, “OV”, “SKCM”,

“COAD”, “GBM”, “LUAD”))

immune.cohorts <- immune.cohorts[order(immune.cohorts$cohort),]

# 调用Splot 对数据进行处理,准备绘图

disease.width <- (nrow(estimate_ped_pdx)/nrow(immune.cohorts))

sorted.estimate_ped_pdx <- estimate_ped_pdx[0,]

start = 0

for(i in 1:(nrow(immune.cohorts))){

tmp <- estimate_ped_pdx[estimate_ped_pdx$cohort == immune.cohorts$cohort[i],]

tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$percread),]

#create range of x values to squeeze dots into equal widths of the plot for each Disease regardless of the number of samples

div <- disease.width/nrow(tmp)

#If there is only one sample, put the dot in the middle of the alloted space




} else tmp$Xpos<-seq(from = start, to = start+disease.width, by = div)[-1]


immune.cohorts$Median.start[i] <- tmp$Xpos[1]

immune.cohorts$Median.stop[i] <- tmp$Xpos[nrow(tmp)]


start <- start+disease.width+30


immune.cohorts$medianloc <- immune.cohorts$Median.start+((immune.cohorts$Median.stop-immune.cohorts$Median.start)/2)

sorted.estimate_ped_pdx$cohort <- factor(sorted.estimate_ped_pdx$cohort, levels = levels(immune.cohorts$cohort))


rmEMPTY <- rep(“black”,22)

rmEMPTY[14:15] <- “white”

immune.cohorts$color_crossbar <- NA

immune.cohorts$color_crossbar[immune.cohorts$cohort == “EMPTY1”] <- “white”

immune.cohorts$color_crossbar[immune.cohorts$cohort == “EMPTY2”] <- “white”

immune.cohorts$color_crossbar[is.na(immune.cohorts$color_crossbar)] <- “black”

immune.cohorts$cohort_n <- paste0(immune.cohorts$cohort, ” (n=”, immune.cohorts$N, “)”)


fig1b1.fx <- function(x){

ggplot() +

geom_point(data = sorted.estimate_ped_pdx, aes(x = Xpos ,y = percread, color = cohort),

size = 7, shape = 20) +

geom_crossbar(data = immune.cohorts,

aes(x = medianloc,y = median_immunereads, color = color_crossbar,

ymin = median_immunereads,ymax = median_immunereads), width = disease.width) +

myaxis + myplot +

theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 25),

axis.text.x = element_text(size = 25, angle = 45, hjust = 1, color = rmEMPTY),

axis.text.y = element_text(size = 25)) +

scale_color_manual(values = c(cohort_col, “white” = “white”, “black” = “black”), guide = “none”) +

scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq((disease.width)/2,max(sorted.estimate_ped_pdx$Xpos),

disease.width+30), labels = immune.cohorts$cohort_n, expand = c(0,20)) +

scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 70, by = 10)) +

labs(y = “% Immune Reads”)


fig1b <- fig1b1.fx(sorted.estimate_ped_pdx)

pdf(file = paste0(plotpath,”Fig1_B.pdf”),

width = 20, height = 8, useDingbats = FALSE)



如图,是基于ESTIMATE免疫评分的儿童和成人癌症的百分比免疫读数分布。ESTIMATE,也就是Estimation of STromal and Immune cells in MAlignant Tumour tissues using Expression data,是一种使用基因表达数据预测肿瘤纯度和肿瘤组织中浸润性基质/免疫细胞存在的分数,包含基质评分(用于捕捉肿瘤组织中基质的存在) ,免疫评分(用于表示肿瘤组织中免疫细胞的浸润) ,estimate评分(用于推断肿瘤纯度)。



Step 3 对不同的免疫集群进行划分


load(file = paste0(datapath,”metadata_IC.RData”))

load(file = paste0(datapath, “geneset_cc_normalized.RData”))


cluster_cohort <- metadata_IC[order(metadata_IC$immune_cluster, metadata_IC$cohort),]


mycluster <- as.character(cluster_cohort$immune_cluster)

names(mycluster) <- rownames(cluster_cohort)

cluster_hm <- class_hm.fx(mycluster)


mycohort <- cluster_cohort$cohort

names(mycohort) <- rownames(cluster_cohort)

mycohorts <- t(as.matrix(mycohort))

rownames(mycohorts) <- “Cohort”

cohorts_hm <- cohorts_hm.fx(mycohorts)

cells_mat <- geneset_cc_norm[,rownames(cluster_cohort)]

# 绘制热图

cells_hm <- cells_hm.fx(cells_mat)


annotation_order <- c(“Pediatric Inflammed”, “Myeloid Predominant”, “Immune Neutral”, “Immune Desert”)

cluster_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(clusters = anno_mark(at = c(50, 235, 566, 844), labels_rot = 0,

labels = annotation_order, side = “top”,

labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 20),

link_height = unit(0.5, “cm”)))

fig1c <- cluster_ha %v% cluster_hm %v% cells_hm %v% cohorts_hm


lgd_cohort = Legend(labels = names(cohort_col)[2:13], title = “”, nrow = 1, legend_gp = gpar(fill = cohort_col[2:13]))


width = 18, height = 10)

draw(fig1c, annotation_legend_side = “bottom”, legend_grouping = “original”,

annotation_legend_list = list(lgd_cohort))


分析的结果如图所示,图片的顶部有四个类别,分别是Pediatric Inflamed(炎症型),Myeloid Predominant(髓系主导型),Immune Neutral(免疫中性型),和Immune Desert(免疫沙漠型),是根据免疫细胞的总体水平或比例进行划分的。


在图片的底部有一些彩色的条形,用来表示不同的肿瘤类型,中间部分是一个矩阵,每个小方格中的颜色用来表示某一种免疫细胞在某一类别或队列中的丰度,颜色越深表示丰度越高,颜色越浅表示丰度越低。从矩阵中可以看出,不同类别或队列之间的免疫细胞分布和丰度有很大的差异,例如,Pediatric Inflamed类别中的NK细胞和树突状细胞丰度较高,而Immune Desert类别中的免疫细胞丰度普遍较低,这些差异可能反映了不同条件下的免疫状态和功能。

Step 4 癌症与特定免疫集群的相关性分析


load(file = paste0(datapath,”metadata_IC.RData”))

tab <- as.data.frame(table(metadata_IC$cohort), stringsAsFactors = F)

tab <- tab[order(tab$Freq, decreasing = F),]

# 将肿瘤簇和肿瘤类型汇聚为矩阵

cancer_IC_mat <- matrix(nrow = 12, ncol = 4,

dimnames = list(tab$Var1,

c(“Pediatric Inflamed”, “Myeloid Predominant”, “Immune Neutral”, “Immune Desert”)))

for(i in 1:nrow(cancer_IC_mat)){

mycancer <- metadata_IC[ metadata_IC$cohort == rownames(cancer_IC_mat)[i],]

freq_tab <- as.data.frame(table(mycancer$immune_cluster), stringsAsFactors = F)

freq_tab$perc <- freq_tab$Freq/sum(freq_tab$Freq)

cancer_IC_mat[i, freq_tab$Var1] <- freq_tab$perc *100



cancer_IC_mat[is.na(cancer_IC_mat)] <- 0

# 定义簇

row_dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(cancer_IC_mat), “complete”))

row_dend <- dendextend::rotate(row_dend,

c(“NFB”, “SCHW”, “MNG”, “CPH”, “ATRT”, “NBL”, “pedLGG”, “ETMR”, “MB”, “CP”, “pedHGG”, “EPN”))

# 注释

ha = rowAnnotation(`cohort size` = anno_barplot(tab$Freq, bar_width = 1,

gp = gpar(col = “white”, fill = “#4d4d4d”),

border = FALSE,

axis_param = list(at = c(0, 100, 200, 300), labels_rot = 45, gp = gpar(fontsize = 20)),

width = unit(3, “cm”)),

show_annotation_name = FALSE)

ha_1 = HeatmapAnnotation(`immune size` = anno_barplot( as.matrix(table(metadata_IC$immune_cluster)), bar_width = 1,

gp = gpar(col = “white”, fill = “#4d4d4d”),

border = FALSE,

axis_param = list(at = c(0, 100,200,300), labels_rot = 45, gp = gpar(fontsize = 20)),

height = unit(3, “cm”)),

show_annotation_name = FALSE)

# 绘图

col_fun= colorRamp2(c(0, 100), c(“white”, “red”))

cancer_hm = Heatmap(cancer_IC_mat,

#titles and names

name = “% cancer”,

show_row_names = TRUE,

show_column_names = TRUE,

#clusters and orders

cluster_columns = FALSE,

cluster_rows = row_dend,

show_row_dend = TRUE,


row_names_side = “left”,

col = col_fun,

column_names_rot = 45,

column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),

row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),

height = unit(nrow(cancer_IC_mat), “cm”),

width = unit(ncol(cancer_IC_mat), “cm”),

column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),

column_title = NULL,

row_title = NULL,

right_annotation = ha,

top_annotation = ha_1,

show_heatmap_legend = TRUE)


width = 10, height = 10)



结果如图,显示了不同类型的癌症与特定免疫集群的表达量之间的关系。图中纵轴列出了不同类型的肿瘤(NFB, SCHW, JMNG 等),横轴列出了免疫集群,同时,在纵轴上还有一个渐变色条,表示0到100%的癌症发生率。(癌症发生率是指某一基因在某一类别中的样本中表达异常的比例,反映了该肿瘤与免疫集群的相关性)。

每个单元格的颜色代表该肿瘤在特定集群中的癌症发生率;颜色越深,百分比越高,表示该基因与该类别更加相关;颜色越浅,百分比越低,表示该基因与该类别不太相关。例如,NFB基因在ImmuDesert中的癌症发生率为0%,而EPN在Immune Neutral类别中的癌症发生率为100%,说明EPN与Immune Neutral类别有很强的相关性,可能是EPN的致病因素或者诊断指标。

Step 5 分析免疫类型与CRI-iAtlas簇(免疫集群)的关系


load(file = paste0(datapath,”metadata_IC.RData”))

tab <- as.data.frame(table(metadata_IC$CRI_cluster), stringsAsFactors = F)

tab <- tab[order(tab$Freq, decreasing = F),]


cri_IC_mat <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 4,

dimnames = list(tab$Var1,c(“Pediatric Inflamed”, “Myeloid Predominant”,

“Immune Neutral”, “Immune Desert”)))

for(i in 1:nrow(cri_IC_mat)){

mycancer <- metadata_IC[ metadata_IC$CRI_cluster == rownames(cri_IC_mat)[i],]

freq_tab <- as.data.frame(table(mycancer$immune_cluster), stringsAsFactors = F)

freq_tab$perc <- freq_tab$Freq/sum(freq_tab$Freq)

cri_IC_mat[i, freq_tab$Var1] <- freq_tab$perc *100


cri_IC_mat[is.na(cri_IC_mat)] <- 0

col_fun= colorRamp2(c(0, 100), c(“white”, “red”))


cri_hm = Heatmap(cri_IC_mat,

#titles and names

name = “% CRI-iAtlas cluster”,

show_row_names = TRUE,

show_column_names = TRUE,

#clusters and orders

cluster_columns = FALSE,

cluster_rows = FALSE,

show_column_dend = TRUE,


row_names_side = “left”,

col = col_fun,

column_names_rot = 45,

column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15),

row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15),

height = unit(nrow(cri_IC_mat), “cm”),

width = unit(ncol(cri_IC_mat), “cm”),

column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15),

column_title = NULL,

row_title = NULL,

show_heatmap_legend = TRUE)

ha = rowAnnotation(

`cohort size` = anno_barplot(tab$Freq, bar_width = 1,

gp = gpar(col = “white”, fill = “#4d4d4d”),

border = FALSE,

axis_param = list(gp = gpar(fontsize=15), at = c(0, 100,250,500), labels_rot = 45),

width = unit(4, “cm”)),

show_annotation_name = FALSE)

pdf(paste0(plotpath, “Fig1_E.pdf”), width = 10, height = 10)

cri_hm + ha



例如:Y轴列出了七种不同的免疫反应类型:TGFbeta dominant(TGF-β占优势), IFN-gamma dominant(IFN-γ占优势), Wound Healing(创伤愈合), Immunologically quiet(免疫静默), Inflammatory(炎症), Lymphocyte depleted(淋巴细胞耗竭)和Mixed(混合型),表中用红色、白色来表示每种免疫反应类型对应的CRI-iAtlas簇的数量。红色代表较高数量,白色代表较低数量。

Step 6 用H&E TIL分数分析免疫系统对肿瘤的反应强度


load(file = file.path(datapath,”HE_manifest.RData”))


heplot <- ggplot(data = HE_manifest,

aes(x = immune_cluster, y = agg_tilScore)) +

geom_beeswarm(cex = 1.5, aes(color = cohort), size = 5) +

geom_boxplot(width = 0.5, outlier.colour = NA, fill = NA) +

myaxis + myplot +

scale_color_manual(values = cohort_col) +

theme(legend.position = “none”,

plot.margin = unit(c(0.2,0.2,0.2,2), “cm”),

axis.title.x = element_blank(),

axis.title.y = element_text(size = 30),

axis.text.x = element_text(size = 30),

axis.text.y = element_text(size = 30),

plot.title = element_text(size = 30, hjust = 0.5)) +

geom_signif(comparisons = list(c(“Pediatric Inflamed”, “Myeloid Predominant”)), y_position = 0.4,

map_signif_level=TRUE, textsize = 10, test = “wilcox.test”, vjust = 0.5) +

geom_signif(comparisons = list(c(“Pediatric Inflamed”, “Immune Desert”)), y_position = 0.45,

map_signif_level=TRUE, textsize = 10, test = “wilcox.test”, vjust = 0.5) +

labs(y = “Average TIL score”) + ggtitle(~underline(“H&E TIL score (n = 355)”))


width = 10, height = 12)



结果如图,我们在这一步中绘制的热图是一个显示H&E TIL分数和免疫集群关系的散点图。

对于H&E TIL分数,这是一种用来评估肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞(TIL)的方法,基于H&E染色的肿瘤切片,用于反映了免疫系统对肿瘤的反应强度。

图中不同颜色和形状的点表示不同疾病或样本来源,例如CBTN,ICGC,TCGA。每个集群中点的位置表示每个样本的H&E TIL分数,越靠近y轴表示分数越高,越靠近x轴表示分数越低。这里用箱形图来显示TIL评分,通过对整个儿科中枢神经系统肿瘤样本(CBTN)的病理图像进行分割分析而确定。所示的样本图像分别代表1%(下)、10%(中)和15%(上)的TIL分数,分别对应于低四分位数、平均值和高四分位数。

除此之外图中还有一些显著性标记,用来显示不同类别之间的H&E TIL分数是否有显著差异,例如,Pediatric Inflamed和Myeloid Predominant之间有一个星号,表示它们之间的差异是显著的,而Pediatric Inflamed和Immune Desert之间有一个星号,同样表示它们之间的差异是非常显著的。

Step 7 肿瘤与信号通路频率分析


load(file = paste0(datapath,”metadata_IC.RData”))

n_x <- 4


lggp_c <- subgroupcount_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “pedLGG”)

lggp_f <- subgroupfreq_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “pedLGG”)

hggp_c <- subgroupcount_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “pedHGG”)

hggp_f <- subgroupfreq_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “pedHGG”)

nblp_c <- subgroupcount_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “NBL”)

nblp_f <- subgroupfreq_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “NBL”)

atrtp_c <- subgroupcount_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “ATRT”)

atrtp_f <- subgroupfreq_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “ATRT”)

mbp_c <- subgroupcount_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “MB”)

mbp_f <- subgroupfreq_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “MB”)

epnp_c <- subgroupcount_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “EPN”)

epnp_f <- subgroupfreq_IC.fx(metadata_IC, “EPN”)


c_ls = list(atrtp_c + ggtitle(expression(~underline(“ATRT”))),

nblp_c+ ggtitle(expression(~underline(“NBL”))),

mbp_c+ ggtitle(expression(~underline(“MB”))),

hggp_c + ggtitle(expression(~underline(“pedHGG”))),

lggp_c + ggtitle(expression(~underline(“pedLGG”))),

epnp_c + ggtitle(expression(~underline(“EPN”))))

f_ls = list(atrtp_f, nblp_f, mbp_f, hggp_f, lggp_f, epnp_f )


pdf(paste0(plotpath, “Fig1_G.pdf”),

width = 20, height = 10, useDingbats = FALSE)

wrap_plots(c(c_ls, f_ls), nrow = 2)



