

小果  生信果  2024-01-17 19:00:41





if(!require(tidybulk)) BiocManager::install("tidybulk")            

library(tidyverse) library(tidybulk) library(SummarizedExperiment)



data(counts_SE)            counts_SE## class: SummarizedExperiment             ## dim: 8513 48             ## metadata(0):            ## assays(1): count            ## rownames(8513): A1BG A1BG-AS1 ... ZZEF1 ZZZ3            ## rowData names(0):            ## colnames(48): SRR1740034 SRR1740035 ... SRR1740088 SRR1740089            ## colData names(5): Cell.type time condition batch factor_of_interestclass(counts_SE)## [1] "SummarizedExperiment"            ## attr(,"package")            ## [1] "SummarizedExperiment"



counts_SE %>%get_bibliography()##  @Article{tidybulk,            ##   title = {tidybulk: an R tidy framework for modular transcriptomic data analysis},            ##   author = {Stefano Mangiola and Ramyar Molania and Ruining Dong and Maria A. Doyle & Anthony T. Papenfuss},            ##   journal = {Genome Biology},            ##   year = {2021},            ##   volume = {22},            ##   number = {42},            ##   url = {https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-020-02233-7},            ##   }            ## @article{wickham2019welcome,            ##   title={Welcome to the Tidyverse},            ##   author={Wickham, Hadley and Averick, Mara and Bryan, Jennifer and Chang, Winston and McGowan, Lucy D'Agostino and Francois, Romain and Grolemund, Garrett and Hayes, Alex and Henry, Lionel and Hester, Jim and others},            ##   journal={Journal of Open Source Software},            ##   volume={4},            ##   number={43},            ##   pages={1686},            ##   year={2019}            ##  }



rowData(counts_SE)$gene_name =rownames(counts_SE)            counts_SE.aggr = counts_SE %>%aggregate_duplicates(.transcript = gene_name)            

dim(counts_SE)## [1] 8513 48dim(counts_SE.aggr)## [1] 8513 48# 通过维度的比较我们看不出差别,这是因为在这个示例中,小果使用的是行名,行名本来就是没有重复的咧,所以我们换个方法。

# 这里小果取一个极端一点的例子哦,我们假设a,b,c,d是不同的编号,使用同样的方案进行整合 rowData(counts_SE)$gene_name =c("a","b","c",rep("d",8510)) tmp = counts_SE %>%aggregate_duplicates(.transcript = gene_name)

dim(tmp)## [1] 4 48



# 小果这里解释一下代码哦~ 首先筛选出在不同条件下丰度显著不同的转录本,然后使用了scale_abundance()函数进行标准化。            counts_SE.norm = counts_SE.aggr %>%identify_abundant(factor_of_interest = condition) %>%scale_abundance()            

assays(counts_SE.norm) %>%names() ## [1] "count" "count_scaled"# 这里可以观察到,标准化过后增加了一个assay的矩阵 assay(counts_SE.norm,"count_scaled")[1:5,1:5]## SRR1740034 SRR1740035 SRR1740036 SRR1740037 SRR1740038 ## A1BG 238.8192 312.8522 259.1186 206.4091 149.54205 ## A1BG-AS1 129.5555 134.4972 118.2644 124.1811 36.59008 ## AAAS 1354.8695 1478.0076 1360.7047 1246.8449 1094.52054 ## AACS 346.5219 400.5678 406.6168 354.0838 174.99602 ## AAGAB 920.9366 881.5416 968.7048 1023.6547 1374.51416# 小果通过这行代码将标准化过后的矩阵展现给各位小伙伴看看。

tbl <- tidySummarizedExperiment::as_tibble(counts_SE.norm) # 这里小果自己遇到了一个bug哦,刚开始的时候一直转换不成功,经过研究后发现需要下载这个R包 # 可以使用BiocManger进行下载哦 # BiocManager::install("tidySummarizedExperiment") head(tbl)## # A tibble: 6 × 13 ## .feature .sample count count_scaled Cell.type time condition batch ## ## 1 A1BG SRR1740034 153 239. b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 2 A1BG-AS1 SRR1740034 83 130. b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 3 AAAS SRR1740034 868 1355. b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 4 AACS SRR1740034 222 347. b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 5 AAGAB SRR1740034 590 921. b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 6 AAMDC SRR1740034 48 74.9 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## # ℹ 5 more variables: factor_of_interest, TMM, multiplier, ## # gene_name, .abundantnames(tbl)## [1] ".feature" ".sample" "count" ## [4] "count_scaled" "Cell.type" "time" ## [7] "condition" "batch" "factor_of_interest" ## [10] "TMM" "multiplier" "gene_name" ## [13] ".abundant" # 对标准化的结果进行可视化 counts_SE.norm %>% ggplot(aes(count_scaled +1, group=.sample, color=Cell.type)) + geom_density() + scale_x_log10() + scale_fill_brewer(palette ="Set3") + theme_bw()



counts_SE.norm.variable = counts_SE.norm %>%keep_variable(top =100) # 小果这里通过top参数仅保留了前100基因。            

head(counts_SE.norm.variable)## # A SummarizedExperiment-tibble abstraction: 288 × 48 ## # [90mFeatures=6 | Samples=48 | Assays=count, count_scaled[0m ## .feature .sample count count_scaled Cell.type time condition batch ## ## 1 SERPINA1 SRR1740034 4 6.24 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 2 CSF3R SRR1740034 4 6.24 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 3 TNFAIP2 SRR1740034 4 6.24 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 4 S100A9 SRR1740034 16 25.0 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 5 VCAN SRR1740034 8 12.5 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 6 C5AR1 SRR1740034 2 3.12 b_cell 0 d TRUE 0 ## 7 SERPINA1 SRR1740035 4 5.85 b_cell 1 d TRUE 1 ## 8 CSF3R SRR1740035 12 17.5 b_cell 1 d TRUE 1 ## 9 TNFAIP2 SRR1740035 11 16.1 b_cell 1 d TRUE 1 ## 10 S100A9 SRR1740035 15 21.9 b_cell 1 d TRUE 1 ## # ℹ 110 more rows ## # ℹ 5 more variables: factor_of_interest, TMM, multiplier, ## # gene_name, .abundant


tidybulk包中集合了三种降维的算法,他们分别是MDS,PCA和tSNE,各位小伙伴可以根据需求进行选择。小果在这对三种算法都进行一遍演示。## MDS

counts_SE.norm.MDS =              counts_SE.norm %>%              reduce_dimensions(method="MDS", .dims =6)            

counts_SE.norm.MDS %>% pivot_sample() %>%# 保留样本相关的列,这样可以减少计算的时间。 select(contains("Dim"), everything()) # 通过这行代码可以减少列的顺序。## # A tibble: 48 × 14 ## Dim1 Dim2 Dim3 Dim4 Dim5 Dim6 .sample Cell.type time ## ## 1 -1.46 0.220 -1.68 0.0553 0.0658 -0.126 SRR1740034 b_cell 0 d ## 2 -1.46 0.226 -1.71 0.0300 0.0454 -0.137 SRR1740035 b_cell 1 d ## 3 -1.44 0.193 -1.60 0.0890 0.0503 -0.121 SRR1740036 b_cell 3 d ## 4 -1.44 0.198 -1.67 0.0891 0.0543 -0.110 SRR1740037 b_cell 7 d ## 5 0.243 -1.42 0.182 0.00642 -0.503 -0.131 SRR1740038 dendritic_mye… 0 d ## 6 0.191 -1.42 0.195 0.0180 -0.457 -0.130 SRR1740039 dendritic_mye… 1 d ## 7 0.257 -1.42 0.152 0.0130 -0.582 -0.0927 SRR1740040 dendritic_mye… 3 d ## 8 0.162 -1.43 0.189 0.0232 -0.452 -0.109 SRR1740041 dendritic_mye… 7 d ## 9 0.516 -1.47 0.240 -0.251 0.457 -0.119 SRR1740042 monocyte 0 d ## 10 0.514 -1.41 0.231 -0.219 0.458 -0.131 SRR1740043 monocyte 1 d ## # ℹ 38 more rows ## # ℹ 5 more variables: condition, batch, factor_of_interest, ## # TMM, multiplier # 小果小Tips:在这需要安装一个R包哦~ ## install.packages("GGally") counts_SE.norm.MDS %>% pivot_sample() %>% GGally::ggpairs(columns =6:(6+5), ggplot2::aes(colour=`Cell.type`))

# 这个图就是各维度之间的相关关系啦


counts_SE.norm.PCA =                counts_SE.norm %>%                reduce_dimensions(method="PCA", .dims =6)              

counts_SE.norm.PCA %>% pivot_sample() %>% select(contains("PC"), everything())## # A tibble: 48 × 14 ## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 .sample Cell.type time condition ## ## 1 -12.6 -2.52 -14.9 -0.424 -0.592 -1.22 SRR17400… b_cell 0 d TRUE ## 2 -12.6 -2.57 -15.2 -0.140 -0.388 -1.30 SRR17400… b_cell 1 d TRUE ## 3 -12.6 -2.41 -14.5 -0.714 -0.344 -1.10 SRR17400… b_cell 3 d TRUE ## 4 -12.5 -2.34 -14.9 -0.816 -0.427 -1.00 SRR17400… b_cell 7 d TRUE ## 5 0.189 13.0 1.66 -0.0269 4.64 -1.35 SRR17400… dendriti… 0 d FALSE ## 6 -0.293 12.9 1.76 -0.0727 4.21 -1.28 SRR17400… dendriti… 1 d FALSE ## 7 0.407 13.0 1.42 -0.0529 5.37 -1.01 SRR17400… dendriti… 3 d FALSE ## 8 -0.620 13.0 1.73 -0.201 4.17 -1.07 SRR17400… dendriti… 7 d FALSE ## 9 2.56 13.5 2.32 2.03 -4.32 -1.22 SRR17400… monocyte 0 d FALSE ## 10 2.65 13.1 2.21 1.80 -4.29 -1.30 SRR17400… monocyte 1 d FALSE ## # ℹ 38 more rows ## # ℹ 4 more variables: batch, factor_of_interest, TMM, ## # multiplier counts_SE.norm.PCA %>% pivot_sample() %>% GGally::ggpairs(columns =11:13, ggplot2::aes(colour=`Cell.type`))


counts_SE.norm.tSNE =                  breast_tcga_mini_SE %>%                  identify_abundant() %>%# 筛选高表达的特异基因                  reduce_dimensions(                      method ="tSNE",                      perplexity=10,                      pca_scale =TRUE                  )    ## Performing PCA              ## Read the 251 x 50 data matrix successfully!              ## OpenMP is working. 1 threads.              ## Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 10.000000, and theta = 0.500000              ## Computing input similarities...              ## Building tree...              ## Done in 0.02 seconds (sparsity = 0.182886)!              ## Learning embedding...              ## Iteration 50: error is 67.381499 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds)              ## Iteration 100: error is 68.239243 (50 iterations in 0.04 seconds)              ## Iteration 150: error is 69.030962 (50 iterations in 0.03 seconds)              ## Iteration 200: error is 69.041501 (50 iterations in 0.04 seconds)              ## Iteration 250: error is 67.702680 (50 iterations in 0.05 seconds)              ## Iteration 300: error is 1.540607 (50 iterations in 0.04 seconds)              ## Iteration 350: error is 1.193476 (50 iterations in 0.02 seconds)              ## Iteration 400: error is 1.146808 (50 iterations in 0.02 seconds)              ## Iteration 450: error is 1.135869 (50 iterations in 0.02 seconds)              ## Iteration 500: error is 1.121872 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 550: error is 1.119940 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 600: error is 1.115307 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 650: error is 1.110707 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 700: error is 1.108459 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 750: error is 1.102872 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 800: error is 1.099258 (50 iterations in 0.02 seconds)              ## Iteration 850: error is 1.095792 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 900: error is 1.093945 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 950: error is 1.092175 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Iteration 1000: error is 1.091423 (50 iterations in 0.01 seconds)              ## Fitting performed in 0.44 seconds.counts_SE.norm.tSNE %>%                  pivot_sample() %>%                  select(contains("tSNE"), everything())## # A tibble: 251 × 4              ##      tSNE1  tSNE2 .sample                      Call               ##                                                                             ##  1   3.33    9.32 TCGA-A1-A0SD-01A-11R-A115-07 LumA               ##  2  -3.49   -5.36 TCGA-A1-A0SF-01A-11R-A144-07 LumA               ##  3  -0.759  15.4  TCGA-A1-A0SG-01A-11R-A144-07 LumA               ##  4  -3.82    7.05 TCGA-A1-A0SH-01A-11R-A084-07 LumA               ##  5   0.670   6.59 TCGA-A1-A0SI-01A-11R-A144-07 LumB               ##  6  -1.38   13.0  TCGA-A1-A0SJ-01A-11R-A084-07 LumA               ##  7  -9.85  -33.5  TCGA-A1-A0SK-01A-12R-A084-07 Basal              ##  8 -12.1     9.13 TCGA-A1-A0SM-01A-11R-A084-07 LumA               ##  9 -10.9     9.79 TCGA-A1-A0SN-01A-11R-A144-07 LumB               ## 10   1.61   23.2  TCGA-A1-A0SQ-01A-21R-A144-07 LumA               ## # ℹ 241 more rows    counts_SE.norm.tSNE %>%                  pivot_sample() %>%                  ggplot(aes(x =`tSNE1`, y =`tSNE2`, color=Call)) +                  geom_point() +                  theme_bw()


