sc_Preprocess <- function(counts, project = "sc_preprocess",
normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000,
selection.method = "vst", resolution = 0.1,
dims_Neighbors = 1:20, dims_TSNE = 1:20, dims_UMAP = 1:20){
sc_dat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = counts, project = project)
sc_dat <- NormalizeData(object = sc_dat, normalization.method = normalization.method, scale.factor = scale.factor)
sc_dat <- FindVariableFeatures(object = sc_dat, selection.method = selection.method)
sc_dat <- ScaleData(object = sc_dat, features = rownames(sc_dat))
sc_dat <- RunPCA(object = sc_dat, features = VariableFeatures(sc_dat))
sc_dat <- FindNeighbors(object = sc_dat, dims = dims_Neighbors)
sc_dat <- FindClusters(object = sc_dat, resolution = resolution)
sc_dat <- RunTSNE(object = sc_dat, dims = dims_TSNE)
sc_dat <- RunUMAP(object = sc_dat, dims = dims_UMAP)
marker_Binary <- function(bulk_data, features, ref_group, Log2FC_cutoff = 0.585){
if (missing(ref_group))
stop("'ref_group' is missing or incorrect.")
if (missing(bulk_data) || !class(bulk_data) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))
stop("'bulk_data' is missing or incorrect.")
if (missing(features) || !class(features) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))
stop("'features' is missing or incorrect.")
ref = features$Sample[features$Feature == ref_group]
tes = features$Sample[features$Feature != ref_group]
ref_pos = which(colnames(bulk_data) %in% ref)
tes_pos = which(colnames(bulk_data) %in% tes)
pvalues <- apply(bulk_data, 1, function(x) {
t.test(as.numeric(x)[tes_pos], as.numeric(x)[ref_pos])$p.value
log2FCs <- rowMeans(bulk_data[, tes_pos]) - rowMeans(bulk_data[, ref_pos])
res <- data.frame(pvalue = pvalues, log2FC = log2FCs)
res <- res[order(res$pvalue), ]
res$fdr <- p.adjust(res$pvalue, method = "fdr")
geneList <- list(
gene_pos = res %>% filter(pvalue < 0.05, log2FC > Log2FC_cutoff ) %>% rownames(.),
gene_neg = res %>% filter(pvalue < 0.05, log2FC < -Log2FC_cutoff ) %>% rownames(.)
if(length(geneList[[1]]) > 0 & length(geneList[[2]] > 0)){return(geneList)}
else if (length(geneList[[1]]) == 0){warning("There is no genes positively correlated with the given feature in this bulk dataset.");geneList = list(gene_pos = geneList[[2]]);return(geneList)}
else if (length(geneList[[2]]) == 0){warning("There is no genes negatively correlated with the given feature in this bulk dataset.");geneList = list(gene_neg = geneList[[1]]);return(geneList)}
marker_Continuous <- function(bulk_data, features, method = "spearman", estimate_cutoff = 0.2){
if (missing(bulk_data) || !class(bulk_data) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))
stop("'bulk_data' is missing or incorrect.")
if (missing(features) || !class(features) %in% c("integer", "numeric"))
stop("'features' is missing or incorrect.")
CorrelationTest = apply(bulk_data,1,function(x){
pvalue = cor.test(as.numeric(x),log2(as.numeric(features)+1), method = method)$p.value
estimate = cor.test(as.numeric(x),log2(as.numeric(features)+1), method = method)$estimate
res = cbind(pvalue,estimate)
resc = t(CorrelationTest)
colnames(resc) = c("pvalue","estimate")
resc = as.data.frame(resc[order(as.numeric(resc[,1]),decreasing = FALSE),])
resc$fdr <- p.adjust(resc$pvalue,method = "fdr")
geneList <- list(
gene_pos = resc %>% filter(fdr < 0.05, estimate > estimate_cutoff) %>% rownames(.),
gene_neg = resc %>% filter(fdr < 0.05, estimate < -estimate_cutoff) %>% rownames(.)
if(length(geneList[[1]]) > 0 & length(geneList[[2]] > 0)){return(geneList)}
else if (length(geneList[[1]]) == 0){warning("There is no genes positively correlated with the given feature in this bulk dataset.");geneList = list(gene_pos = geneList[[2]]);return(geneList)}
else if (length(geneList[[2]]) == 0){warning("There is no genes negatively correlated with the given feature in this bulk dataset.");geneList = list(gene_neg = geneList[[1]]);return(geneList)}
marker_Survival <- function(bulk_data,survival_data){
if (missing(bulk_data) || !class(bulk_data) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))
stop("'bulk_data' is missing or incorrect.")
if (missing(survival_data) || !class(survival_data) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))
stop("'survival_data' is missing or incorrect.")
SurvivalData <- data.frame(cbind(survival_data,t(bulk_data)))
colnames(SurvivalData) = make.names(colnames(SurvivalData))
var <- make.names(rownames(bulk_data))
Model_Formula <- sapply(var, function(x) as.formula(paste("Surv(time, status) ~", x)))
Model_all <- lapply(Model_Formula, function(x) coxph(x, data = SurvivalData))
res <- lapply(seq_along(Model_all), function(i) {
coef_summary <- summary(Model_all[[i]])$coefficients
variable = var[i],
pvalue = coef_summary[,5],
coef = coef_summary[,2]
}) %>% bind_rows()
res <- res[order(res$pvalue), ]
res$fdr <- p.adjust(res$pvalue, method = "fdr")
geneList <- list(
gene_pos = res %>% filter(fdr < 0.05, coef > 1) %>% pull(variable), #correalted with worse survival
gene_neg = res %>% filter(fdr < 0.05, coef < 1) %>% pull(variable) #correlated with better survival
if(length(geneList[[1]]) > 0 & length(geneList[[2]] > 0)){return(geneList)}
else if (length(geneList[[1]]) == 0){warning("There is no genes negatively correlated with patients' prognosis in this bulk dataset.");geneList = list(gene_pos = geneList[[2]]);return(geneList)}
else if (length(geneList[[2]]) == 0){warning("There is no genes positively correlated with patients' prognosis in this bulk dataset.");geneList = list(gene_neg = geneList[[1]]);return(geneList)}
##进行单细胞表型预测,包含3个参数:sc_dataset, geneList和probs。
ScPP = function(sc_dataset, geneList, probs = 0.2){
if(length(geneList) != 2){
stop("This gene list do not have enough information correlated with interested feature.")
if (missing(sc_dataset) || class(sc_dataset) != "Seurat")
stop("'sc_dataset' is missing or not a seurat object.")
cellrankings = AUCell_buildRankings(sc_dataset@assays$RNA@data,plotStats = FALSE)
cellAUC = AUCell_calcAUC(geneList,cellrankings)
metadata = as.data.frame(sc_dataset@meta.data)
metadata$AUCup <- as.numeric(getAUC(cellAUC)["gene_pos", ])
metadata$AUCdown <- as.numeric(getAUC(cellAUC)["gene_neg", ])
downcells1 = rownames(metadata)[which(metadata$AUCup <= quantile(metadata$AUCup,probs = probs))]
upcells1 = rownames(metadata)[which(metadata$AUCup >= quantile(metadata$AUCup,probs = (1-probs)))]
downcells2 = rownames(metadata)[which(metadata$AUCdown >= quantile(metadata$AUCdown,probs = (1-probs)))]
upcells2 = rownames(metadata)[which(metadata$AUCdown <= quantile(metadata$AUCdown,probs = probs))]
ScPP_neg = intersect(downcells1,downcells2)
ScPP_pos = intersect(upcells1,upcells2)
metadata$ScPP <- ifelse(rownames(metadata) %in% ScPP_pos, "Phenotype+", "Background")
metadata$ScPP <- ifelse(rownames(metadata) %in% ScPP_neg, "Phenotype-", metadata$ScPP)
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
# 准备数据
# 数据总览
bulk[1:6,1:6] # bulk data
head(binary) # phenotype data of bulk
sc_count[1:6,1:6] # scRNA-seq data
# 通过 ScPP 选择信息细胞
sc = sc_Preprocess(sc_count)
geneList = marker_Binary(bulk, binary, ref_group = "Normal")
metadata = ScPP(sc, geneList)
write.csv(metadata, "/results/binary_meta.csv")
sc$ScPP = metadata$ScPP
Idents(sc) = "ScPP"
DimPlot(sc, group = "ScPP", cols = c("grey","blue","red"))
ggsave("Fig_binary.pdf",path = "/results/",width = 10, height = 10, units = "cm")
# 导入数据(所需数据小果放在上文的链接了哦~)
# library(ScPP)
# 数据总览
bulk[1:6,1:6] # bulk data
head(continuous) # phenotype data of bulk
sc_count[1:6,1:6] # scRNA-seq data
# 通过 ScPP 选择信息细胞
sc = sc_Preprocess(sc_count)
geneList = marker_Continuous(bulk, continuous$TMB_non_silent)
metadata = ScPP(sc, geneList)
write.csv(metadata, "/results/continuous_meta.csv")
sc$ScPP = metadata$ScPP
Idents(sc) = "ScPP"
DimPlot(sc, group = "ScPP", cols = c("grey","blue","red"))
ggsave("Fig_continuous.pdf",path = "/results/",width = 10, height = 10, units = "cm")
#通过 ScPP 选择信息细胞
sc = sc_Preprocess(sc_count)
geneList = marker_Survival(bulk, survival)
metadata = ScPP(sc, geneList)
write.csv(metadata, "/results/survival_meta.csv")
sc$ScPP = metadata$ScPP
Idents(sc) = "ScPP"
DimPlot(sc, group = "ScPP", cols = c("grey","blue","red"))
ggsave("Fig_survival.pdf",path = "/results/",width = 10, height = 10, units = "cm")
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |